Figure 2.
Maternal loss of miR-202-5p results in PGC reduction and mislocalization. (A and B) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of vasa in WT and F2 embryos. (C) Average number of PGCs in embryos produced from WT, miR-202+/+ × miR-202+/−, and miR-202+/− × miR-202+/− parents. (D) qRT-PCR analysis of miR-202-5p and miR-202-3p in 1-cell stage embryos produced from WT, miR-202+/− × miR-202+/−, and miR-202−/− × miR-202−/− parents. (E–L) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of vasa in WT and MmiR-202 embryos at dome, 75% epiboly (epi), 3-somite, and prim 5 stages. (M) qRT-PCR analysis of PGC markers in WT and MmiR-202 embryos from 75% epi, 3-somite, and prim5 stages. (N) PGC number in WT and MmiR-202 embryos. (O–Q) Statistical analysis of PGC phenotypes in WT, MmiR-202 embryos, and MmiR-202 embryos injected with miR-202-5p or miR-202-3p mimics at prim 5 stage (O) and their representative images (P and Q). Nor, normal; Mis, mislocalization; Reduc, reduction; Mis & Reduc, mislocalization and reduction. (R) PGC number in WT, MmiR-202 embryos, and MmiR-202 embryos injected with miR-202-5p mimics. Arrowheads indicate the mislocalized PGCs. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; #, not detected.