Table 2.
Study (author, year) | Plate | PQ repair method | Postoperative management |
Si, 2012 | Unknown VLP | Direct interrupted (absorbable 2-0) | Physical therapy in 2 days |
Hershman, 2013 | Stryker and Synthes VLP | NA | Splint for 2 weeks, full weight bearing in 6 weeks |
Tosti, 2013 | Medartis (VA) and Synthes (VA) VLP | Figure-of-eight (Vicryl 2-0) | Immobilization for 2 weeks and then start of physical therapy |
Qian 2017 | Synthes VLP | Figure-of-eight (Vicryl 3-0) | NA |
Hohendorff, 2018 | Stryker (VA) VLP | PQ to BR (PDS 4-0) | Splint for 2 weeks and unlimited mobility in 4 weeks |
Wang, 2018 | NA | Figure-of-eight (absorbable 4-0) | Physical therapy in 2 days |
Zhang, 2018 | Unknown VLP | Direct interrupted (absorbable 2-0) | Physical therapy in 2 days |
Cang, 2019 | Synthes VLP | Figure-of-eight (absorbable 3-0) | NA |
Chao, 2019 | NA | Direct interrupted (absorbable 3-0) | Physical therapy in 1 weeks |
Pathak, 2019 | NA | Direct interrupted (Vicryl 3-0) | Immobilization for 1–2 weeks and then start of physical therapy |
Sonntag, 2019 | Stryker (VA), Synthes (VA) | Continuous with a minimum of four sutures (Vicryl 3-0) | Splint for 2 weeks and gradual weight bearing |
PQ pronator quadratus, NA not applicable, VLP volar locking plate, VA variable angle, PDS polydioxanone