Fig. 5. Mathematical modelling demonstrates that the molecular timer’s ability to prevent apoptosis is intricately linked to XIAP-SMAC balance.
ROC and AUC of the ability of apoptosis proteins to affect apoptosis decisions after MOMP (a). XIAP-SMAC concentration balance and apoptotic decisions after MOMP (b). ROC and AUC of the ability of apoptosis proteins to affect molecular timer dependency of apoptotic resistance after MOMP (c). XIAP-SMAC concentration balance and the molecular timer dependency of apoptotic resistance after MOMP (d). ROC and AUC of the ability of apoptosis proteins to affect apoptosis decisions after minimal MOMP (e). XIAP concentration and apoptotic decisions after minimal MOMP (f). ROC and AUC of the ability of apoptosis proteins to affect molecular timer dependency of apoptotic resistance after minimal MOMP (g). XIAP concentration and the molecular timer dependency of apoptotic resistance after minimal MOMP (h). Dotted lines in B and D indicates the point where XIAP and SMAC are equimolar. Dotted lines in A, C, E and F indicates identity line where false positive rate equals true positive rate. Data based on 100000 simulations for MOMP and minimal MOMP.