Fig. 6. The molecular timer acts synergistically with XIAP in order to shut down the apoptosome.
The contribution of the molecular timer, calculated as the difference in C3-substrate cleavage with and without the molecular timer, 1 h post-MOMP (a) or post-minority MOMP (b). The proportion of molecular timer dependent apoptosis resistant cells that are no longer resistant following removal of XIAP (c). Survival curves under normal conditions, without XIAP, without the molecular timer or without XIAP and molecular timer after MOMP (d) or minority MOMP (e). Synergy scores for XIAP and the molecular timer calculated using Webb’s Fractional Index at different time intervals after MOMP or minority MOMP (f). Data in a–c based on 100,000 simulations for MOMP and minimal MOMP. P values in a by Kruskal–Wallis with Dunn’s correction. P values in D and E were obtained by logrank test, n = 1000 for all groups.