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. 2019 Sep 6;75(9):1633–1642. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glz200

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of CCSMA Participants With and Without Complete Physical Activity Data

Characteristic Complete (N = 3,337) Incomplete (N = 961) χ 2 t p Value
Female, N (%) 1,868 (55.98) 548 (57.02) 0.33 .565
Physical activity, N (%) N/A
 Sedentary 37 (1.11)
 Light 267 (8.00)
 Moderate–vigorous 3,033 (90.89)
Presence of APOE e4, N (%) 1,037 (31.08) 273 (28.41) 2.51 .113
Subjective health status, N (%)* 30.54 <.001
 Excellent 949 (28.44) 197 (20.50)
 Good 1,906 (57.12) 578 (60.15)
 Fair 427 (12.80) 163 (16.96)
 Poor 55 (1.65) 23 (2.39)
BDNF rs6265, N (%) 0.04 .979
 G/G 2,108 (63.17) 597 (62.12)
 G/A 973 (29.16) 273 (28.41)
 A/A 139 (4.17) 38 (3.95)
 Missing 117 (3.51) 53 (5.52)
NGFR rs2072446, N (%) 3.15 .207
 C/C 2,917 (87.41) 828 (86.16)
 C/T 260 (7.79) 68 (7.08)
 T/T 9 (0.27) 6 (0.62)
 Missing 151 (4.53) 59 (6.14)
NTRK2 rs2289656, N (%) 2.02 .364
 C/C 2,154 (64.55) 579 (60.25)
 T/C 922 (27.63) 274 (28.51)
 T/T 112 (3.36) 36 (3.75)
 Missing 149 (4.47) 72 (7.49)
BDNF rs56164415, N (%) 0.13 .723
 C/C 2,794 (83.73) 800 (83.25)
 T/C 368 (11.03) 101 (10.51)
 Missing 175 (5.24) 60 (6.24)
BMI, N (%) 1.83 .609
 Underweight 65 (1.95) 25 (2.60)
 Normal weight 1,366 (40.93) 390 (40.58)
 Overweight 1,314 (39.38) 370 (38.50)
 Obese 592 (17.74) 176 (18.31)
Depressive episode, N (%)* 150 (4.50) 71 (7.39) 12.80 <.001
Age, M (SD)* 74.40 (6.56) 76.38 (7.30) −7.58 <.001
Education, M (SD)* 13.39 (2.84) 12.99 (3.01) 3.81 <.001
3MS, M (SD)* 91.59 (6.00) 88.86 (8.36) 9.43 <.001
MET-min, Median (min–max) 4,894.63 (0–18,345.60) N/A
 Sedentary 0 (0.00–0.00)
 Light 2,608.20 (7.69–13,910.40)
 Moderate–vigorous 5,304.60 (547.63–18,345.60)

Notes: 3MS = Modified Mini-Mental State Exam; APOE = apolipoprotein E; BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor; BMI = body mass index; CCSMA = Cache County Study on Memory in Aging.

Baseline characteristics of participants with complete data for physical activity and covariates, compared to excluded participants with incomplete data. Significant differences were evaluated using Pearson’s chi-square tests of independence and t-test analyses for categorical and continuous variables, respectively.

*p < .05 in t test and Pearson’s chi-square tests of independence.