Figure 5.
Expression of DMC1 during megasporogenesis is altered in klu mutants.
(a–e) CLSM images of DMC1:GFP expression in wild-type (WT; a, c) and klu (b, d, e) ovules at stage 2III/IV. The highest levels of DMC1:GFP ectopic expression in klu ovules are detected in the inner integument primordium (c, d, e, white arrows). The white arrowhead in (e) indicates no expression of DMC1:GFP in the klu female meiocyte.
(f) CLSM images of KLU:YFP expression in WT ovules at stage 2III/IV.
(c–f) FM4–64 staining (red) showing the outline of the ovule.
(g, h) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of KLU mRNA in WT ovules at stage 2III/IV. Arrow in (g) points to enriched expression of KLU in inner integument primordim. Abbreviations: fm, female meiocyte; ii, inner integument; oi, outer integument.
Scale bars: (a, b) 50 μm; (c–h) 10 μm.