Figure 6.
Association of Age and Naive T Cells with COVID-19 Severity
(A and B) Correlograms of acute donors < 65 years (A) and ≥ 65 years (B). As in Figure 5, Spearman r correlation values are shown from red (−1.0) to blue (1.0); r values are indicated by color and square size. Blank fields with dots indicate lack of signal. p values are indicated by white asterisks. Also, as in Figure 5, the teal triangle denotes SARS-CoV-2 antibody features, magenta triangle denotes SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ T cells features, and orange triangle denotes SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cell features. Purple rectangles denote coordinated adaptive immune response features. Peak COVID-19 disease severity (“Peak disease”) is the bottom row. Select inflammatory cytokines are labeled with a dark green line.
(C) Correlation of age and peak disease severity. Statistics for full dataset shown are in black; statistics for acute COVID-19 cases are in red.
(D) Correlation of naive CD4+ T cells (as percentage of total CD4+ T cells) with age. Statistics for full dataset are shown in black; statistics for all COVID-19 cases (convalescent and acute) are in blue; statistics for acute COVID-19 cases are in red.
(E) Correlation of naive CD4+ T cells (as percentage of total CD4+ T cells) and peak disease severity. Statistics for all COVID-19 cases (convalescent and acute) are in blue; statistics for acute COVID-19 cases are in red.
(F) Correlation of naive CD8+ T cells (as percentage of total CD8+ T cells) with age. Statistics for full dataset are shown in black; statistics for all COVID-19 cases (convalescent and acute) are in blue; statistics for acute COVID-19 cases are in red.
(G) Correlation of naive CD8+ T cells (as percentage of total CD8+ T cells) and peak disease severity. Statistics for all COVID-19 cases (convalescent and acute) are in blue; statistics for acute COVID-19 cases are in red. Unexposed controls in gray (n = 67), convalescent COVID-19 in black (n = 15), acute COVID-19 in red (n = 26) displayed.
∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figures S6 and S7, Table S3, and Data S1.