(A) Percent mortality was determined for mixed sex ND2360114 flies not exposed (Control) or exposed to 2h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2 at the indicated ages. Significance between control and experimental data was determined using the unpaired equal-variance two-tail Student’s t-test. ****, P<0.0001. (B) The time at which 10–13-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114 flies died during the 24 h following exposure to 2h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2. At 2 h intervals the percent of dead flies was normalized to the percent of flies that were dead at 24 h. (C) 10–15-day-old, mixed-sex ND2360114, ND2360114/ND23G14097, and ND2360114/ND23Del flies were exposed to 2h of 2% isoflurane and 21% O2, and the percent mortality at 24 h was determined. N=number of biological replicates. Symbols indicate the following: box (Q2-Q3), + (mean), horizontal bar (median), and whiskers (minimum and maximum).