(A, C) Double staining for p63 (red) and Cytokeratin K8 (green) in control (A) and drained embryos (C) showing epithelial remodeling 24h PS. (B, D) A single channel p63 expression in control (B) and drained embryos (D). In control embryos, the VF are separated, and each VF is lined with p63+K8- basal and p63-K8+ suprabasal cell layers. In drained embryos, the p63+K8- basal layer is compact, while adherent p63-K8+ suprabasal cell layers start to detach. (E, G) Double staining for p63 (red) and Cytokeratin K8 (green) in control (E) and drained embryos (G) showing epithelial remodeling 48h PS. (F, H) A single channel p63 expression in control (F) and drained embryos (H). In drained embryos, at the site of the polyp-like structures, the basal p63+K8- cell layer almost disappears. P63-K8+ suprabasal cells spread between segregated basal cells. The VF epithelium temporarily loses stratified phenotype (white arrow). (I, K) Double staining for p63 (red) and Cytokeratin K8 (green) in control (I) and drained embryos (K) showing re-established stratification in the VF epithelium in control and drained vocal folds at 72h PS. (J,L) A single channel p63 expression in control (J) and drained embryos (L). Scale bar = 100μm. Abbreviations: h, hour; PS, post-surgery; VF, vocal fold.