Release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from human carotid plaques upon CC stimulation and C5a priming. Carotid plaques were primed with C5a or left unprimed prior to stimulation with CC ex vivo and supernatants were collected. Multiplex cytokine assay was performed and amount of IL-1β (a), IL-18 (b), IL-1α (b) and TNF (d) is presented as mean fold induction compared to PBS, mean ± SEM, n=12 (for IL-1α n=8). Basal levels with exposure to PBS as mean ± SEM in pg/μl: IL-1β: 20±6.1, IL-18 11±4.1, IL-1α 1.8±0.62, TNF 224±66. CC, cholesterol crystals; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumour necrosis factor. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, *****p<0.00001, 2-way ANOVA.