In vivo intracerebral administration of oMSC and sMSC in an orthotopic model of glioblastoma
(a) GL-261-Luc (1 × 105 cells) were injected into the brain of C57BL/6 mice and a T2-weighted MR-anatomy was acquired 14 and 21 days post injection. eGFP+ oMSC or sMSC (1 × 105 cells) were injected into the contralateral side on day 15 after intracerebral injection of GL-261-Luc cells. Tumours are indicated with arrows.
(b) Quantification of eGFP+ oMSC and sMSC in the tumour area 7 days after intracerebral injection of eGFP-MSC (n=7 per group). The columns represent 150-180 data points obtained from 20-25 sections per mouse brain. The numbers of eGFP+ oMSC and sMSC were compared by two-tailed t-test (***p <0.001); Error bars: SEM.
(c) eGFP+ oMSC and sMSC (green) highlighted with arrows in the GL-261-Luc (red) tumour area 7 days after intracerebral injection of 1 × 105 eGFP+ o/sMSC into the contralateral hemisphere. Scale bar: 100 µm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)