The Lack of Maternal Huwe1 Leads to Impaired Blastocyst Formation In Vitro
(A) Schematic of the transition from the GV stage to the second stage of meiosis (MII) in oocytes carrying a Huwe1 KO locus.
(B) Analysis of offspring from the cross between Huwe1 heterozygous (Huwe1fl/+;Zp3-Cre) females and wild-type males.
(C) The average litter size of control (Huwe1+/+;Zp3-Cre) and Huwe1 heterozygous (Huwe1fl/+;Zp3-Cre) mice when crossed with wild-type males.
(D) The number of MII eggs collected from control (Huwe1fl/+) and Huwe1 heterozygous (Huwe1fl/+;Zp3-Cre) mice after superovulation.
(E) The in vitro fertilization rates of eggs from control (Huwe1fl/+) and Huwe1 heterozygous (Huwe1fl/+;Zp3-Cre) mice with wild-type mouse sperm. In (C) and (D), statistical significance was assessed using Student's t test. The error bars represent the standard deviation.
(F) Analysis of preimplantation embryo development after IVF. Statistical significance in the blastocyst (BL) formation was assessed using chi-square test (a-b: p < 0.00001).
(G) Representative images of preimplantation embryo 72 h after IVF.