Number of AquaBid auction transactions among and within A continents, B countries, and C regions of the US, using chord diagrams. Transactions conducted within the US have been omitted from B to allow for better visualization of global transactions. The values on the circumference of each diagram represent the cumulative number of transactions. The thickness of chords represent the number of pairwise transactions between continents/countries/regions (chord colors differing from color on the outer ring) or within a continent/country/region (chord color the same as color on the outer ring), where sellers and buyers are denoted by the base and the head of the arrow, respectively. Continents include Asia (AS), Africa (AF), Europe (EU), North America separated according to the United States (USA) and Canada/Mexico (CDN/MEX), Oceania (OC), and South America (SA). Countries are labeled using ISO3 codes. Regions of the United States include Northeast (NE), Northeast-Central (NE CEN), Northwest-Central (NW CEN), Pacific (PAC), Puerto Rico (PR), Southeast-Central (SE CEN), South-Atlantic (S ATL), Southwest-Central (SW CEN), Mid-Atlantic (M ATL) and Mountain (MTN)