Overview of the Trait Collection page. Panel A shows the actions tools menu with each action or tool represented by a clickable icon. Panel B shows the indexed search results. Note that additional columns of data are shown for traits in a collection compared to traits in the Search Results page, including Dataset, Symbol, Description, Location, Mean, and N Cases. The Dataset and Description column provide information about which data set the trait originated from and details about the trait itself. As multiple different types of data can be added to the same Group collection it is useful to keep track of which data set the trait originated from, especially if exploring the expression of the same gene across tissue types. For phenotype data sets, detailed descriptions are provided about trait measurement and for gene expression data sets, the full gene name is given along with information about the probe set used to measure the expression of that gene. The Symbol column gives the gene symbol for expression data sets and an abbreviated name for phenotypes. Location and Mean give the location of the gene for expression data sets and average trait expression, respectively. N Cases shows the number of individuals that were included in the trait measurement. The red question marks are links to additional information about column headings