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. 2020 Sep 16;10:15181. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72144-x

Table 4.

Process and outcome indicators for selected obstetric complications, Kenya 2018.

Interventions, by selected obstetric complications Number and percentage of patients
N %
Antepartum haemorrhage (APH)
Target population: patients with APH 226 7
Requested blood 191 84
Blood given (out of those with blood requested) 109 67
IV fluids given 224 99
Cases with SMOa 96 43
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
Target population: patients with PPH 1755 53
Oxytocin, ergometrine, oxytocin/ergometrine 1597 93
Misoprostol 740 45
Other uterotonic 57 4
Tranexamic acid 450 27
Removal of retained products 704 43
Balloon or condom tamponade 97 6
Artery ligation 32 2
Hysterectomy 70 4
Uterine packing, uterine massage 821 50
Repair of tears 338 21
Cases with SMO 670 38
Mortality 24 1
Severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
Target population: patients with severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia 778 24
Magnesium sulphate 580 77
Other anticonvulsant 116 16
Cases with SMO 137 67
Mortality 9 1
Severe infections/sepsis
Target population: patients with sepsis/severe infections 194 6
Parenteral antibiotics 192 99
Cases with SMO 77 40
Mortality 2 1
Caesarean section related complications
Target population: patients undergoing caesarean 1,216 37
Prophylactic antibiotic 1,181 98
Cases with SMO 343 28
Mortality 9 1
Ruptured uterus
Target population: patients with ruptured uterus 74 2
Laparotomy after 3 h of hospital stay 33 44
Cases with SMO 53 71

All estimates are weighted from the three-month study period and include only patients who consented to be interviewed. Obstetric complications are not mutually exclusive; a patient can have more than one type of complication.

aSMO = severe maternal outcome includes maternal near-miss and maternal death.

bPatients who did not consent and were a maternal death (unweighted n = 7) were not included in the maternal death total in this table, but are included in the incidence calculations.