Figure 2.
Visual Acuity of FAM161A patients at different ages. (a) Distribution plot of 366 best-corrected visual acuity (VA) measurements in 92 FAM161A patients at different ages. Each point represents the average VA between the two eyes at the time of each visit, computed as a Snellen fraction. Data was divided into 3 groups based on the genotype, each symbolized by a different color and shape. Linear regression analysis for the three different genotypes, with separate analysis for each of three age groups (younger than 30, between 30–50, and older than 50 years of age), is shown by the colored lines. The dotted lines are extrapolations to connect the different age groups. (b) Serial Snellen ratio VA levels in 63 patients for whom at least 2 measurements were available. Each patient is shown by a different colored line, with nonsense mutation genotype patients depicted in reddish hues, patients homozygous for the frameshift mutation shown in different shades of blue and compound heterozygotes in green colors.