Table 2.
Population PK/PD Parameter Estimates
Description | Parameter (Unit) | Estimation (%CVa) | RSEb (%) | P Value |
Fixed effects | ||||
Clearance | Cl (L/h) | 2.67 (18) | 3.6 | |
Central distribution volume | V1 (L) | 4.1 (15) | 2.9 | |
Intercompartmental exchange | Q (L/h) | 0.626 (14) | 3.5 | |
Peripheral distribution volume | V2 (L) | 6.89 (27) | 7.5 | |
Baseline platelet aggregation | Base_PPA (%) | 79.8 | 1.6 | |
ACT017 concentration required for 50% inhibition | IC50 (μg/mL) | 0.924 (228) | 27 | |
Maximum inhibition | Imax (%) | 72.9 | 1.9 | |
Standard deviations | ||||
Clearance | ωCl | 0.182 | 12 | |
Central distribution volume | ωV1 | 0.148 | 13 | |
Intercompartmental exchange | ωQ | 0.144 | 20 | |
Peripheral distribution volume | ωV2 | 0.265 | 22 | |
ACT017 concentration required for 50% inhibition | ωIC50 | 1.35 | 15 | |
Correlations | ||||
Intercompartmental exchange and clearance | rQ_Cl | 0.796 | 14 | |
Central volume and clearance | rV1_Cl | 0.626 | 18 | |
Central volume and intercompartmental exchange | rV1_Q | 0.84 | 13 | |
Covariate coefficients | ||||
Age on clearancec | βCl_tAGE | −0.304 | 29 | .0005 |
BW on clearanced | βCl_tBW | 1.09 | 18 | 2.4e‐08 |
CRE on clearancee | βCl_tCRE | −0.566 | 22 | 5.1e‐06 |
BW on central distribution volumef | βV1_tBW | 0.694 | 22 | 6.1e‐06 |
Age on intercompartmental exchangeg | βQ_tAGE | −0.318 | 29 | .00051 |
BW on intercompartmental exchangeh | βQ_tBW | 0.812 | 23 | 1.5e‐05 |
Dose on inhibition potencyi | βIC50_tDOSE | −0.989 | 22 | 7.4e‐06 |
PLT on maximum inhibitionj | βImax_tPLT | 0.17 | 35 | .0038 |
Observational error | ||||
Constant PK error | a1 (μg/mL) | 0.0869 | 16 | |
Proportional coefficient of PK error model | b1 (‐) | 0.0514 | 9.4 | |
Constant PD error | a2 (‐) | 0.778 | 3.7 |
BW indicates body weight; CRE, creatinine concentration; PD, pharmacodynamic; PK, pharmacokinetic; PLT, platelet count; RSE, relative standard error.
%CV computed as 100*sqrt(exp(SD^2)‐1.
Stochastic approximation used for estimation of RSE.
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