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. 2020 Feb 3;50(4):757–777. doi: 10.1111/sltb.12614

Table 1.

Sociodemographic, psychosocial and psychiatric data for the three samples

Suicide Sudden violent death Control cases
M (range) SD M (range) SD M (range) SD
Age 20.9 (12–25) 3.0 20.6 (10‐25) 3.5 20.7 (10–25) 3.4
Mother's age at the child's birth 29.7 (16–42) 5.8 27.1 (17‐39) 5.5 28.9 (18–43) 5.2
Father's age at the child's birth 33.0 (19–54) 6.9 29.7 (19–40) 6.0 31.7 (20–49) 6.3
N = 63 % = 62 % = 104 %
Male 41 65.1 55 88.7 76 73.1
Female 22 34.9 7 11.3 28 26.9
Parents’ latest marital status
Separated or divorced 38 60.3 37 59.7 46 44.2
Married or cohabitant 13 20.6 22 35.5 49 47.1
Dead mother 3 4.8 1 1.6 2 1.9
Dead father 7 11.1 2 3.2 7 6.7
Dead both parents 2 3.2 0 0.0 0 0.0
Latest habitation
With parent(s) 30 47.6 31 50.0 47 45.2
With partner 7 11.1 8 12.9 22 21.2
With friends 5 7.9 4 6.5 3 2.9
Alone 18 28.6 15 24.2 31 29.8
Psychiatric care 3 4.8 2 3.2 1 1.0
Homeless 0 0.0 2 3.2 0 0.0
Latest marital status
Single 58 92.1 53 85.5 84 80.8
Cohabitant 5 7.9 9 14.5 19 18.3
Married 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Own children( yes) 2 3.2 6 9.7 3 2.9
Stepparents (yes) 20 31.7 10 16.1 35 33.7
Adopted (yes) 1 1.6 2 3.2 4 3.8
Birth order
Only child 7 11.1 4 6.5 7 6.7
First born 16 25.4 20 32.3 48 46.2
Middle child 16 25.4 18 29.0 20 19.2
Youngest 24 38.1 20 32.3 29 27.9
Country of birth
Sweden 54 85.7 51 82.3 98 94.2
Other European country 1 1.6 3 4.8 1 1.0
Non‐European country 8 12.7 8 12.9 5 4.8
Mother born in Sweden 47 74.6 37 59.7 87 83.7
Mother other European 6 9.5 16 25.8 9 8.7
Mother non‐European 10 15.9 9 14.5 8 7.7
Father born in Sweden 42 66.7 39 62.9 88 84.6
Father other European 9 14.3 12 19.4 9 8.7
Father non‐European 12 19.0 11 17.7 7 6.7
Compulsory school or less 33 52.4 38 61.3 27 26.0
Upper secondary school 21 33.3 19 30.6 37 35.6
Post‐secondary or university 6 9.5 5 8.1 35 33.7
University degree 3 4.8 0 0.0 5 4.8
Mother's education
Compulsory school or less 11 17.5 12a 19.7 10 9.6
Upper secondary school 18 28.6 27a 44.3 33 31.7
Post‐secondary or university 8 12.7 10a 16.4 12 11.5
University degree 26 41.3 12a 19.7 49 47.1
Father’s education
Compulsory school or less 22 34.9 16a 26.2 19 18.3
Upper secondary school 12 19.0 19a 31.1 28 26.9
Post‐secondary or university 6 9.5 6a 9.8 18 17.3
University degree 23 36.5 20a 32.8 39 37.5
Work 19 30.2 22 35.5 40 38.5
Student 14 22.2 19 30.6 39 37.5
Work and student 6 9.5 2 3.2 18 17.3
Sick‐listed 9 14.3 2 3.2 1 1.0
Unemployed 15 23.8 17 27.4 6 5.8
Mother's occupation
Work 57 90.5 52 83.9 99 95.2
Student 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.0
Work and student 1 1.6 0 0.0 0 0.0
Sick‐listed 1 1.6 7 11.3 2 1.9
Unemployed 2 3.2 0 0.0 1 1.0
Retired 0 0.0 1 1.6 0 0.0
Housewife 2 3.2 2 3.2 1 1.0
Father's occupation
Work 57b 91.9 56 90.3 103 99.0
Sick‐listed 3b 4.8 3 4.8 0 0.0
Unemployed 1b 1.6 2 3.2 1 1.0
Retired 1b 1.6 1 1.6 0 0.0
None 27 42.9 13 21.0 48 46.2
Yes without sanction 18 28.6 13 21.0 40 38.5
Sentenced or investigated 18 28.6 36 58.1 16 15.4
Father's criminality
None 60 95.2 59 95.2 103 99.0
Sentenced or investigated 3 4.8 3 4.8 1 1.0
None 32 50.8 36 58.1 97 93.3
Alcohol 11 17.5 8 12.9 3 2.9
Substance 20 31.7 21 33.9 5 4.8
Anabolic steroids 6 9.5 9 14.5 0 0.0
Psychoactive drugs 6 9.5 20 32.3 1 1.0
Addiction at the time of death 37a 60.7 26a 42.6
Mother's addiction
None 60 95.2 57 91.9 100 96.2
Alcohol 2 3.2 3 4.8 4 3.8
Substance 2 3.2 2 3.2 0 0.0
Psychoactive drugs 0 0.0 2 3.2 0 0.0
Father's addiction
None 43 68.3 46 74.2 91 87.5
Alcohol 17 27.0 15 24.2 12 11.5
Substance 4 6.3 5 8.1 4 3.8
Psychoactive drugs 0 0.0 1 1.6 0 0.0
Psychiatric care
None 18 28.6 26 41.9 55 52.9
Outpatient <18 years 28 44.4 30 48.4 42 40.4
Inpatient <18 years 6 9.5 8 12.9 1 1.0
Outpatient >18 years 35 55.6 17 27.4 20 19.2
Inpatient >18 years 25 39.7 11 17.7 2 1.9
Treatment unit youth 9 14.3 12 19.4 2 1.9
Foster‐home placement 4 6.3 6 9.7 3 2.9
Mother's psychiatric care
None 51 81.0 49 79.0 76 73.1
Outpatient >18 years 10 15.9 12 19.4 28 26.9
Inpatient >18 years 2 3.2 1 1.6 2 1.9
Father's psychiatric care
None 48 76.2 54 87.1 90 86.5
Outpatient >18 years 13 20.6 7 11.3 12 11.5
Inpatient > 18 years 4 6.3 2 3.2 5 4.8
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) 11 17.5 3 4.8 7 6.7
Autistic disorder (AD) 4 6.3 1 1.6 1 1.0
Attention def. hyperactivity dis. (ADHD) 13 20.6 19 30.6 19c 18.4
Conduct disorder (CD) 9 14.3 19 30.6 17c 16.5
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) 13 20.6 12 19.4 15c 14.6
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) 25d 43.9 21e 40.4 5f 5.8
Depression spectrum disorder 42 66.7 22 35.5 40c 38.8
Antisocial personality disorder (APD) 7d 12.3 19e 36.5 4f 4.7
Being bullied 28 44.4 15 24.2 54 51.9
Being sexually assaulted 13 20.6 1 1.6 4 3.8
Suicide attempt among relatives 20 31.7 18 29.0 38 36.5
Death by suicide among relatives 22 34.9 11 17.7 30 28.8

N = 61 owing to missing data.


N = 62 owing to missing data.


N = 103 due to missing data.


N = 57 age> 18 years.


N = 52 age> 18 years.


 N = 86 age> 18 years.