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. 2020 Jul 7;24(Suppl 2):105–118. doi: 10.1007/s10995-020-02968-6

Table 8.

Two-stage least squares impacts of program participation on short-term outcomes (“Treatment on the Treated”), instrumenting for participation using treatment status and controlling for baseline characteristics (percent, unless otherwise noted)

Program component Treatment mean Control mean Impact p-Value Adjusted p-value Sample size
Contraception use in previous 12 months
 Use of a LARC 40.24 27.63 12.61 0.134 0.239 219
 Unprotected sex 23.13 26.95 − 3.82 0.649 0.840 218
Respondent intends to wait two or more years before having next child 89.63 93.39 − 3.75 0.478 a 216
Frequency of parental engagement in last month—scale from 0 (never) to 3 (every or almost every day)
 Mother’s engagement with child 2.48 2.47 0.01 0.907 0.999 217
 Father’s engagement with child 1.47 1.54 − 0.08 0.700 0.993 211
Quality of co-parenting relationship—scale from 1 to 5 with higher values representing stronger co-parenting 3.71 3.82 − 0.10 0.479 0.882 216
Father pays half or more of child care costs 66.65 70.10 − 3.45 0.666 0.987 216
Capacity for self-sufficiency—scale from 1 to 4 with higher values representing greater self sufficiency 2.15 2.13 0.02 0.730 0.997 221
Child health and development
 Number of well visits 6.15 6.64 − 0.49 0.439 0.745 200
 Has health insurance for child 96.12 93.03 3.09 0.391 0.895 216

Treatment and control group means are regression adjusted. Impacts on binary outcomes are estimated using a two-stage least squares model instrumenting for program participation using treatment status, with standard errors adjusted to account for heteroskedasticity. Regressions control for all baseline characteristics and stratum in addition to treatment status. All p-values are based on a two-sided test, and adjusted p-values control for the familywise error rate using the method in Hothorn et al. (2008). Sample sizes differ across outcomes due to missing outcome data. Source: Baseline survey and 12 month follow-up survey

*Significantly different from zero at the .10 level after adjusting for multiple comparisons, two-tailed test

**Significantly different from zero at the .05 level after adjusting for multiple comparisons, two-tailed test

***Significantly different from zero at the .01 level after adjusting for multiple comparisons, two-tailed test

aIn this table, p-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons within outcome domains. Birth spacing intention is the only outcome in its domain, so the adjusted p-value is excluded here