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. 2020 Apr;15(1):49–63. doi: 10.2174/1574884714666190312145409

Table 2.

Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants and BDNF correlation between these groups.

(N=80) n (%)
CONTROL GROUP* (N=13) n (%) p1 value p2 value
Socio-demographic value1
Gender (Female) 45 (56.3) 7 (53.8) n.s. n.s.
Education - - ˂0.001# χ2=10.4, 0.016
Primary and literate 27 (33.75) - - -
Middle School 12 (15.0) 1 (7.7) - -
High School 28 (35.0) 2 (15.4) - -
University 12 (15.0) 10 (76.9) - -
Marital status (Married) 32 (40.0) 9 (69.2) χ2=3.876, 0.049 n.s.
Economical situation (Medium) 67 (84.6) 13 (100.0) n.s. n.s.
Smokıng (Yes) 12 (14.1) 5 (38.5) n.s. n.s.
Clinical characteristics value1
Treatment (Polytherapy) 46 (57.5) - n.s. n.s.
Other drug use (Yes) 44 (47.3) - n.s. n.s.
Accompanying diseases (Yes) 38 (40.9) n.s. n.s.
Epilepsy type (Focal) 58 (72.5) - n.s. t=2.538, 0.013
Etiology - - n.s n.s
Genetic 18 (22.5) - - -
Structural/Metabolic 38 (47.5) - - -
Unknown cause 24 (30.0) - - -
Syndromes - - n.s n.s
Unknown cause 23 (28.2) - - -
Perinatal Trauma 10 (12.8) - - -
Trauma 6 (7.7) - - -
Infection 2 (2.6) - - -
Tumor 5 (6.4) - - -
MCD (Hemimegalencephaly etc.) 5 (6.4) - - -
MTLE 13 (15.4) - - -
Reflex Epilepsies 1 (1.3) - - -
EWGTCSA 3 (3.8) - - -
JME 7 (9.0) - - -
JAE 2 (2.6) - - -
LKS 1 (1.3) - - -
BECTS 1 (1.3) - - -
CAE 1 (1.3) - - -
Number of seizure - - n.s n.s
Less than 1 year 30 (37.5) - - -
More than a month 28 (35.0) - - -
1 month - 1 year 22 (27.5) - - -

1Significant value of total with control group for socio-demographic and compoatiion between variable groups e.g. focal/generalize for clinical characteristic in the maingroups and in the subgroups. 2Comparation between variable groups e.g. female/male for BDNF values. *Data are expressed as a percentage. # Freeman Halton Test. Kruskall Wallis test, the highest is primary and literate also the others. M; Medium, MCD; Malformations of cortical development, MTLE; Mesial Temporal Lope Epilepsy, EWGTCSA; Epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone, JME; Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, JAE; Juvenile absence epilepsy, LKS; Landau-Klefiner syndrome, BECTS; Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, CAE; Childhood absence epilepsy. Without impairment of consciousness or awareness; WOMAC; With observable motor or automatic components. WICA; With impairment of consciousness or awareness, EBCS;Evolving to a bilateral, convulsive seizure, GSTC; Generalized Seizures Tonic Clonic, BDNF; brain-derived neurotropic factor, n.s.: not significant.