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. 2020 Aug 19;161(10):bqaa143. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqaa143

Table 1.

Ethnicity and MED12 Mutation Status of Patient Samples

Sample Race/Ethnicity MED12 status HMGA2 OE
LSC, LIC, and LDC MethylCap-Seq PT1 African American MED12 G44S No
LSC, LIC, and LDC MethylCap-Seq PT2 African American MED12 G44S No
LSC, LIC, and LDC MethylCap-Seq PT3 African American WT No
LSC, LIC, and LDC RNA-Seq PT1 Caucasian WT No
LSC, LIC, and LDC RNA-Seq PT2 Declined to answer WT No
LSC, LIC, and LDC RNA-Seq PT3 African American WT No
LSC, LIC, and LDC RNA-Seq PT4 African American G44V No
5’-Aza or Veh-treated LM RNA-Seq PT1 Caucasian WT (after culture) No
5’-Aza or Veh-treated LM RNA-Seq PT2 Caucasian WT (after culture) No
5’-Aza or Veh-treated LM RNA-Seq PT3 African American WT (after culture) No

Abbreviations: G44S, glycine to Serine mutation; HMGA2, high Mobility Group AT-Hook 2; LDC, leiomyoma differentiated cells; LIC, leiomyoma intermediated cells; LSC, leiomyoma stem cells; LM, Leiomyomas; MED12, Mediator complex subunit 12; OE, Overexpression; PT, patient; WT, wildtype.