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. 2020 Sep 15;2(9):e0183. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000183


Comprehensive Multivariable Model of Factors Associated With Mortality in Patients Using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation After Failure to Wean From Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Variables OR (95% CI) p
Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics
 Age (d) < 0.001
  ≤ 7 1.0 (reference group)
  > 7 and ≤ 26 0.802 (0.601–1.069) 0.132
  > 26 and ≤ 159 0.558 (0.416–0.750) < 0.001
  > 159 0.478 (0.346–0.661) < 0.001
 Genetic syndrome or congenital anomalies 1.776 (1.358–2.324) < 0.001
 Comorbidities 1.586 (1.297–1.941) < 0.001
 Pre-ECMO cardiac arrest 1.675 (1.200–2.338) 0.002
Surgery details
 Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min) < 0.001
  ≤ 174 1 (reference group)
  > 174 and ≤ 251 0.967 (0.730–1.281) 0.816
  > 251 and ≤ 351 1.501 (1.132–1.990) 0.005
  > 351 1.609 (1.209–2.142) 0.001
 RACHS-1 category 0.004
  RACHS 1–3 1 (reference group)
  RACHS 4–6 1.435 (1.133–1.816) 0.003
  RACHS not assigned 0.745 (0.451–1.231) 0.251
Pre-ECMO details
 Pre-ECMO mechanical ventilation duration > 24 hr 1.494 (1.211–1.843) < 0.001
 Pre-ECMO bicarbonate infusion 1.419 (1.084–1.857) 0.011
ECMO factors
 ECMO support duration (hr) < 0.001
  ≤ 65 1 (reference group)
  > 65 and ≤ 104 0.765 (0.581–1.009) 0.057
  > 104 and ≤ 169 1.539 (1.173–2.018) 0.002
  > 169 3.472 (2.557–4.715) < 0.001
 ECMO circuit complications 1.259 (1.018–1.558) 0.034
 CNS complications 1.793 (1.358–2.366) < 0.001
 Pulmonary hemorrhage 2.527 (1.672–3.819) < 0.001
 Renal failure 1.698 (1.232–2.341) 0.001
 Hemofiltration required 1.540 (1.224–1.939) < 0.001

ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, OR = odds ratio, RACHS = Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery.

Model: Candidate variables: age, race (White), genetic syndrome or congenital anomalies, comorbidities, pre-ECMO cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary bypass time, RACHS-1 category, pre-ECMO mechanical ventilation duration > 24 hr, pre-ECMO bicarbonate infusion, left atrium cannulation, ECMO pump flow at 4 hr, ECMO support duration, Fio2 at 24 hr after ECMO initiation, ECMO circuit complications, CNS complications, pulmonary hemorrhage, renal failure, and hemofiltration required.

n = 2,024; p = 0.538 for Hosmer-Lemeshow test; area under the curve = 0.769.

− refers that no p value is calculable for that group because it is a reference group. It is a common sign for the reference group if there are multiple categories.