Table 4.
Clinical trials of cranberry products for UTI prevention in different populations
Experimental design | Dose | N | Result | Reference |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Cranberry juice of 300 ml/day or placebo | 153 elderly women | UTI incidence 15% in cranberry group and 28.1% in placebo group (difference is non-significant) | [89] |
Randomized, single-blind cross over study | 15 ml juice/kg or water placebo | 21 patients with neuropathic bladder | 9 patients taking cranberry juice and 9 patients taking water showed lowered infection, rest 3 were indifferent. | [90] |
Randomized, double-blind, crossover trial | Cranberry capsules of 400 mg | 19 female having recurrent UTIs | UTI incidences were 2.4/subject/year in cranberry group and 6.0/subject/year in placebo, 47.4% of withdrawal rate. | [91] |
Double-blind placebo controlled with crossover | 60 ml/day of cranberry juice or placebo | 15 children under intermittent catheterization | Differences between groups are nonsignificant for bacteriuria or UTI. | [92] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | 50 ml of cranberry-lingonberry juice (7.5 g), Lactobacillus GG 100 ml/day or placebo | 150 young women with previous UTI | Recurrence rate of UTI reduced in cranberry group, 20% less UTI in cranberry group. | [93] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | Cranberry juice 250 ml or its tablets | 150 women with recurrent UTIs | Incidence of UTI—30% in juice, 39% in tablets group and 72% in placebo | [94] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | Cranberry capsules of 8 g or placebo | 135 patients with complicated UTI (multiple sclerosis generated neurogenic bladder) | 34.6% UTI in cranberry group and 32.4% on placebo, no significant difference between the groups and also under intermittent catheterization. | [95] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | Cranberry capsules of 1 g or placebo | 74 patients with neurogenic bladder induced by spinal cord injury | Insignificant differences in bacteriuria, pyuria, or symptomatic UTIs between the groups, 35% withdrawal rate | [96] |
Double-blind, placebo controlled with crossover | 400 mg of cranberry tablets for 4 weeks or placebo | 37 patients with neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury | 43% of withdrawal rate and no difference were observed between the cranberry and the placebo group. | [97] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled | 25% of cranberry juice (150 ml) and placebo | 376 in door old patients (> 60 years) | 3.7% of UTI incidences in cranberry group of 7.4% with placebo 31% withdrawal rate | [98] |
Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled | 1st group—methenamine hippurate (MH), 2nd—cranberry (800 mg), 3rd—cranberry + MH, and 4th—placebo | 305 patients with spinal cord injury resulted neurogenic bladder | No differences for symptomatic UTI groups to placebo | [99] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Group A—240 mg of 27% cranberry juice 3 times/day or group B—240 mg daily once or group C—placebo | 188 pregnant women of 16 weeks gestation | No significant differences in UTI occurrence between the groups. Withdrawal rate of 38.8% (A, 50.7%, B, 39.7%, C, 55.5%) | [100] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Cranberry extract tablet for 6 months | 47 spinal cord injured patients | 0.3 UTI per year in cranberry group vs 1.0 UTI per year in placebo. | [101] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial |
cranberry extract (500 mg) or trimethoprim (100 mg) |
137 women with recurrent UTIs—age 45 years | 25 UTIs in cranberry group and14 in trimethoprim group | [102] |
Randomized controlled trial | Cranberry-lingonberry juice 50 ml/day, Lactobacillus GG 100 ml, 5 days/month or placebo | 84 girls with recurrent UTIs | UTIs incidence 18.5% in 1st group, 42.3% in 2nd, and 48.1% in placebo | [103] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 27% cranberry juice (8 oz.) | 319 young women with UTI history | UTI recurrence rates—19.3% for cranberry group and 14.6% for placebo | [104] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Cranberry juice | 263 children cranberry (n = 129), placebo (n = 134) | 0.1% UTI episodes lower in cranberry gr. | [105] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 200 mg of cranberry | 370 prostate cancer patients | 8.7% UTI in cranberry group, 24.2% in placebo (36% reduction in UTI) | [106] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Cranberry juice 4, 8 oz/daily, or placebo | 176 patients (120 to cranberry juice and 56 to placebo) | 0.29 UTI in cranberry juice group and 0.37 in the placebo group. P-fimbriated UPEC isolation was 43.5% (10 of 23) in cranberry juice group, 80.0% (8 of 10) in placebo group during the study period | [107] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 3 capsules of PAC daily for 30 days (108 mg, 72 mg, 36 mg) | 80 women | Dose-dependent reduction in bacteriuria and pyuria | [108] |
Modified observational study | Sweetened dried cranberry (SDC) of one serving daily for 14 days | 20 women with recurrent UTIs | Mean UTI rate per six months decreased significantly, no UTI observed in > 50% of the patients up to 6 months of SDC consumption | [109] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial | Capsules of cranberry and placebo were taken twice daily for 1 year | 928 women of high and low risk group | Incidence of UTI reduced in cranberry than placebo group (62.8 vs 84.8 per 100 person-years in UTI high risk group). No difference observed in low UTI risk group | [110] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Two cranberry juice capsules twice daily for 6 weeks or placebo | 160 women undergoing gynecological surgery involving urinary catheterization (80 + 80) | 19% UTI incidence in cranberry group compared to 38% in placebo group | [111, 112] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 500 mg of whole cranberry fruit powder for 6 months or placebo | Cranberry (n = 89) or a placebo group (n = 93) | UTI occurrence significantly lowered 10.8% vs 25.8% in cranberry and placebo group, respectively | [113] |
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 240 ml of cranberry juice per day for 24 weeks or placebo | Cranberry (n = 185) or a placebo (n = 188) | UTI occurrence significantly lowered 21% vs 36% in cranberry and placebo group, respectively | [114] |