Fig. 2.
Selected feature representations for retinal bipolar cells of type 1 and type 5O. a Smoothed density map of XZ projection for two exemplary cells. b Smoothed density map of Z projection for all cells of these two types. The cells of type 5O stratify deeper in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) than cells of type 1. Bold lines show class means. c A selection of ten single-valued summary statistics that were included in the morphometric statistics vector. d Sholl intersection profile of the YZ projection for all cells of these two types. Bold lines show class means. e Two-dimensional distribution of path angles and path distances to the soma across all nodes for the same two exemplary cells shown in (a). f The first and the second principal components (PCs) of path-angle/path-distance histograms for all cells of these two types. g Two-dimensional persistence images for the same two exemplary cells shown in (a) and (e). h The first and the second PCs of 2D persistence images for all cells of these two types