Table 2.
Trait type | Trait name | Abbreviation | Description of trait |
Stress trait (categorical) | Cassava green mite severity | CGMS | Cassava Green Mite Severity (CGMS) was evaluated at the visual rating of the damage caused by cassava green mite. Symptoms rated from 1 = highly resistant; no symptoms observed, 2 = resistant; moderate damage, no reduction in leaf size, scattered chlorotic spots on young leaves, 3 = moderately resistant; severe chlorotic symptoms, slight reduction in leaf size, 4 = susceptible; severe chlorotic symptoms and severe reduction in leaf size of young shoot, 5 = highly susceptible; very severe chlorosis, extensive defoliation, candlestick appearance of young shoots. |
Morphological (categorical) | Leaf pubescence | LP | Visual rating of the degree of hairiness on the young leaf with 0 = glabrous, 3 = little pubescence, 5 = moderate pubescence and 7 = high pubescence |
Morphological (categorical) | Leaf retention | LR | Visual rating of leaf longevity using a scale of 1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, 5 = outstanding |
Morphological (categorical) | Stay Green | SG | Visual rating based on leaf longevity and stay green ability using a scale of 1 = poor (<50% of the leaves are live and green), 2 = moderately good (50–74% of the leaves are live and green), 3 = very good (≥75% of the leaves are live and green) |
Agronomic (continuous) |
Fresh Root Yield | FRY | FRY was estimated according to (Kamau et al., 2011). |
Agronomic (continuous) |
Biomass | Biomass | Total fresh weight of leaves, stem and original planting stake (scale kg) |
Agronomic (continuous) |
Root Dry Matter Content | RDMC | Determined by the specific gravity method by (Kawano, 1980) (measured in %). |