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. 2020 Sep 4;11:572200. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.572200

Table 2.

Description of the studied traits.

Trait type Trait name Abbreviation Description of trait
Stress trait (categorical) Cassava green mite severity CGMS Cassava Green Mite Severity (CGMS) was evaluated at the visual rating of the damage caused by cassava green mite. Symptoms rated from 1 = highly resistant; no symptoms observed, 2 = resistant; moderate damage, no reduction in leaf size, scattered chlorotic spots on young leaves, 3 = moderately resistant; severe chlorotic symptoms, slight reduction in leaf size, 4 = susceptible; severe chlorotic symptoms and severe reduction in leaf size of young shoot, 5 = highly susceptible; very severe chlorosis, extensive defoliation, candlestick appearance of young shoots.
Morphological (categorical) Leaf pubescence LP Visual rating of the degree of hairiness on the young leaf with 0 = glabrous, 3 = little pubescence, 5 = moderate pubescence and 7 = high pubescence
Morphological (categorical) Leaf retention LR Visual rating of leaf longevity using a scale of 1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, 5 = outstanding
Morphological (categorical) Stay Green SG Visual rating based on leaf longevity and stay green ability using a scale of 1 = poor (<50% of the leaves are live and green), 2 = moderately good (50–74% of the leaves are live and green), 3 = very good (≥75% of the leaves are live and green)
Fresh Root Yield FRY FRY was estimated according to (Kamau et al., 2011). FRY (t/ha)=rootweight(kgm2)100001000
Biomass Biomass Total fresh weight of leaves, stem and original planting stake (scale kg)
Root Dry Matter Content RDMC Determined by the specific gravity method by (Kawano, 1980) (measured in %). RDMC (%)=158.3[weightinairweightinair-weightinwater]142