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. 2020 Sep 4;10:1705. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.01705


Comparison of demographic and clinical variables in patients with PFS < 3 and PFS ≥ 3 in the training set.

Parameter Total PFS < 3 year (n = 45) PFS ≥ 3 year (n = 118) P-value
Age 54.45 ± 11.68 57.87 ± 11.13 53.15 ± 11.67 0.021
Sex 0.404
Male 59 (36.2%) 14 (31.1%) 45 (38.1%)
Female 104 (63.8%) 31 (68.9%) 73 (61.9%)
Hypertension 0.649
No 134 (82.2%) 36 (80.0%) 99 (83.1%)
Yes 29 (17.8%) 9 (20.0%) 20 (16.9%)
Diabetes mellitus 0.566
No 155 (95.1%) 44 (97.8%) 111 (94.1%)
Yes 8 (4.9%) 1 (2.2%) 7 (5.9%)
WBC count 10∧9/L 6.57 ± 2.29 6.92 ± 2.39 6.44 ± 2.26 0.238
NEU count 10∧9/L 4.25 ± 2.16 4.99 ± 2.31 3.97 ± 2.03 0.007
RBC count 10∧12/L 4.53 ± 0.57 4.57 ± 0.49 4.52 ± 0.60 0.585
MON count 10∧9/L 0.40 ± 0.43 0.32 ± 0.26 0.43 ± 0.48 0.178
LYM count 10∧9/L 1.83 ± 0.55 1.64 ± 0.48 1.91 ± 0.56 0.004
PLT count 10∧9/L 239.77 ± 82.33 246.33 ± 70.55 237.28 ± 86.55 0.532
HGB g/L 133.75 ± 15.63 133.06 ± 14.42 134.01 ± 16.12 0.730
FIB g/L 2.99 ± 0.91 3.61 ± 1.16 2.73 ± 0.65 < 0.001
NLR 2.55 ± 1.70 3.24 ± 1.39 2.29 ± 1.75 0.001
Tumor size cm 4.93 ± 1.44 5.55 ± 1.34 4.69 ± 1.41 0.001
Tumor location 0.082
Non-skull base 124 (76.1%) 30 (66.7%) 94 (79.7%)
Skull base 39 (23.9%) 15 (33.3%) 24 (20.3%)
Extent of resection 0.012
Simpson Grade I-II 141 (86.5%) 34 (75.6%) 107 (90.7%)
Simpson Grade III-V 22 (13.5%) 11 (24.4%) 11 (9.3%)
Skull invasion 0.321
No 97 (59.5%) 24 (53.3%) 73 (61.9%)
Yes 66 (40.5%) 21 (46.7%) 45 (38.1%)
Peritumoral edema 0.321
Mild (≤1 cm) 66 (40.5%) 21 (46.7%) 45 (38.1%)
Severe (>1 cm) 97 (59.5%) 24 (53.3%) 73 (61.9%)
Brain invasion 0.692
No 72 (44.2%) 21 (46.7%) 51 (43.2%)
Yes 91 (55.8%) 24 (53.3%) 67 (56.8%)
Mitotic level 0.132
<4/HPF 102 (62.6%) 24 (53.3%) 78 (66.1%)
≥4/HPF 61 (37.4%) 21 (46.7%) 40 (33.9%)
Ki-67 index 0.563
<5 100 (61.3%) 26 (57.8%) 74 (62.7%)
≥5 63 (38.7%) 19 (42.2%) 44 (37.3%)
PORT 0.095
No 136 (83.4%) 34 (75.6%) 102 (86.4%)
Yes 27 (16.6%) 11 (24.4%) 16 (13.6%)

Values are reported as number, number(%), and mean ± standard deviation. PFS, progression-free survival; WBC, white blood cell; NEU, neutrophil; RBC, red blood cell; MON, monocyte; LYM, lymphocyte; PLT, platelet; HGB, hemoglobin; FIB, fibrinogen; NLR, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio; PORT, postoperative radiation therapy.