FIG 4.
Stability (A and B) and cytotoxicity (C) of LysMK34. Stability of LysMK34 was tested by diluting 0.3 μg/ml protein in Britton-Robinson universal buffer (pH 4 to 11) (A) and treating 0.3 μg/ml protein with different temperatures (25 to 60°C) for 10 min (B). The results are expressed as the percentage of residual activity relative to activity at either optimum pH (8) or activity at 25°C. Each point is the mean ± the SD of three independent replicates. Asterisks represent statistical differences compared to the control (Student t test [*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001]). (C) Variation in the normalized cell index (CI) of HaCaT monolayers treated with different concentration of LysKM34 (8.12 to 500 μg/ml). Normalization of data was performed at 10 min after protein addition with respect to the CI observed in the control sample (value 0 in the graph). Values represent means ± the SD of three replicates.