Fig. 4.
Collagen deposition is elevated in skeletal muscle after severe burn injury and not resolved by 21 days postburn. A: total collagen content in spinotrapezius as measured by hydroxyproline content in muscle pellet. B: pyridinium crosslinks relative to total collagen content measured by hydroxyproline in spintrapezius muscle pellet. HOP, hydroxyproline. C: collagen 1 content relative to area of spinotrapezius cross section. D: collagen turnover measured by collagen hybridizing peptide (CHP) content relative to area of spinotrapezius cross section. E: collagen 3 content relative to area of spinotrapezius cross section. F: collagen 4 content relative to area of spinotrapezius cross section. G: representative image of collagen 4 content in spinotrapezius cross section after burn injury. H: representative image of collagen 3 content in spinotrapezius cross section after burn injury. I: representative images of collagen 1 and CHP content in spinotrapezius cross section after burn injury. Data are presented as means ± SE. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. *P < 0.05 compared with sham. #P = 0.051 compared with sham; n = 4–5 mice/group.