Fig. 10.
TNFα+IL-17 induces pendrin coexpression with CFTR in secretory cells but not in ionocytes. Human airway epithelia were treated with TNFα+IL-17 for 48 h. A and B: pendrin was coexpressed with CFTR. A shows an en face projection, and B shows an X-Z projection. C and D: CFTR-expressing cells were CC10+ secretory cells. C shows an en face projection, and D shows an X-Z projection. E: colocalization of CFTR with pendrin and CC10 markers measured using the ImageJ software and reported as Pearson’s correlation coefficient r (n = 3–5). F and G: ionocytes were identified by labeling with BSND (Barttin) antibodies. Ionocytes showed CFTR labeling but lacked significant pendrin labeling. Scale bars: A and C, 10 μm; B, D, E, and F, 5 μm. H: quantification of CFTR or pendrin expression in BSND+ cells. BSND+ cells from CFTR- or pendrin-labeled epithelia were shown in a blinded fashion to 3 investigators experienced in confocal microscopy of airway epithelia. Investigators graded intensity of apical protein (CFTR or pendrin) expression on a scale: none or low = 1, moderate = 2, high = 3. Bars indicate means ± SD. ****P < 0.0001 by Mann–Whitney U test.