Fig. 48.
(a) Photoluminescence spectrum of CdTe@CP1 at excitation wavelength of 330 nm and (inset) the photograph of white light emission after illumination. (b) CIE index diagram. Reproduced with permission from [427]. Copyright 2020 Royal Chemical Society. (c) Scheme for synthesis of MOF and yellow phosphor based host–guest composites. (d) The generation of white light from a blue light source and a blue-excitable yellow phosphor. (e) Photographs of blue light LED lamp (450 nm) is turned (e)off and (f) on; and the (g) LED lamp coated with R6G@ZIF-82 when turned on. Reproduced with permission from [428]. Copyright 2019 Royal Chemical Society. (h) Illustration of self-assembly of luminescent dye fluorescein and metal ions into functional MOFs. (i) Confocal microscopic images and merged images of the single crystals of FSDCd at different excitation wavelengths. Reprinted with permission from [429]. Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.