Figure 6. Δmla with obgE* is synthetically sensitive to chemical modulation of stringent response or fatty acid biosynthesis.
(A) Normalized growth of cultures treated with 100 µg/mL serine hydroxamate which induces stringent response. Graphs represent normalized OD600 readings of treated vs untreated. Dashed line at 1.0 indicates no difference in growth of treated culture. Values < 1.0 mean growth was decreased after treatment. Bars are colored by genotype with individual circles representing biological replicates. The mla and obgE alleles are indicated below for ease of comparison. Lettering above denotes significantly different clusters as determined by a one-way ANOVA. (B) Normalized growth of cultures treated with 100 µg/mL cerulenin which inhibits fatty acid biosynthesis. Graphs are displayed identically as panel (A).