The capacity of α-DSV4, α-Dengvaxia and α-TV DENV immune sera to bind to recombinant ZIKV E and EDIII proteins and neutralise ZIKV in vitro. (a) TRF-IA of pooled BALB/c mock-immune sera (mock, grey), anti-DSV4 (α-DSV4, orange), anti-Dengvaxia (α-Dengvaxia, blue) and anti-TV DENV (α-TV-DENV, purple) antisera using insect cell-expressed recombinant ZIKV E protein (ZIKV E) and yeast-expressed ZIKV EDIII (ZIKV EDIII) as the capture antigens. Bound total antibodies were detected using anti-mouse IgG-Eu3+ conjugate by TRF. (b) The graph depicts nAb titration curves determined using mock-immune serum (grey curve), α-DSV4 antiserum (orange curve), α-Dengvaxia antiserum (blue curve) and α-TV DENV antiserum (purple curve), against ZIKV PRVABC59. The mean ZIKV nAb titers (FNT50 ± SD) are shown above the graph (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).