Table 1.
Search criteria specifications for each database
Database | Search options | Search terms |
Academic search complete |
Limiters—full text; scholarly (peer reviewed) journals; language: English Search modes—boolean/phrase |
(“24 h urin*” OR “twenty four hour urin*” OR “24 h urin*”) AND (sampl* OR collection* OR volume* OR excretion* OR output*) AND (schoolchild* OR child* OR adolescen* OR teen*) |
CINAHL complete |
Limiters—English language; peer reviewed Search modes—boolean/phrase |
Global health |
Limiters—language: English Search modes—boolean/phrase |
MEDLINE complete |
Limiters—English language; human Search modes—boolean/phrase |
Advanced search No mapping options used No date limits specified Sources: Embase only (Medline not selected as separate search) Field labels: abstract, article title, index term and subheading Quick limits: human, only in English Publication types: article, article in press EBM, gender, age and animal advanced options left blank |
#1: ‘24 h urin*’ OR ‘twenty four hour urin*’ OR ‘24 h urin*’ OR ‘twenty four h urin*’ #2: sampl* OR collection* OR volume* OR excretion*or AND output* #3: child* OR adolescen* OR teen* #4: #1 AND #2 AND #3 |