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. 2020 Sep 19;95(11):2395–2407. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.09.019

Table 1.

Change in Diagnoses in Pre-COVID, Peri-COVID, and COVID Era in Academic and Community Hospitalsa

Peri-COVID (2/9-3/16/20) vs COVID Period (3/17-4/21/20)
Academic Hospitals
Community Hospitals
2/9/20-3/16/20 (N=16,181) 3/17/20-4/21/20 (N=7779) P 2/9/20-3/16/20 (N=21,489) 3/17/20-4/21/20 (N=10,867) P 2/9/20-3/16/20 (N=37,670) 3/17/20-4/21/20 (N=18,646) P
Chief symptoms, no. (%)
 Abdominal pain 1627 (10.1) 806 (10.4) .60 1739 (8.1) 914 (8.4) .50 3366 (8.9) 1720 (9.2) .38
 Back pain 365 (2.3) 163 (2.1) .60 514 (2.4) 267 (2.5) .84 879 (2.3) 430 (2.3) .92
 Chest pain 999 (6.2) 553 (7.1) .016b 1156 (5.4) 762 (7.0) <.001b 2155 (5.7) 1315 (7.1) <.001
 Other pain 1579 (9.8) 643 (8.3) <.001b 2008 (9.3) 1099 (10.1) .059 3587 (9.5) 1742 (9.3) .62
 Cough 794 (4.9) 564 (7.3) <.001b 1527 (7.1) 637 (5.9) .001b 2321 (6.2) 1201 (6.4) .30
 Diarrhea 148 (0.9) 70 (0.9) .99 200 (0.9) 91 (0.8) .59 348 (0.9) 161 (0.9) .62
 Earache or infection 101 (0.6) 48 (0.6) >.99 363 (1.7) 126 (1.2) .002b 464 (1.2) 174 (0.9) .003b
 Fever 846 (5.2) 506 (6.5) <.001b 1193 (5.6) 348 (3.2) <.001b 2039 (5.4) 854 (4.6) .001b
 Gunshot wound 0 (0) 2 (0.0) .30 3 (0.0) 1 (0.0) >.99 3 (0.0) 3 (0.0) .77
 Head injury or headache 474 (2.9) 181 (2.3) .019b 581 (2.7) 271 (2.5) .40 1055 (2.8) 452 (2.4) .023b
 Laceration 159 (1.0) 99 (1.3) .092 350 (1.6) 264 (2.4) <.001b 509 (1.4) 363 (1.9) <.001
 Motor vehicle crash 108 (0.7) 45 (0.6) .60 165 (0.8) 55 (0.5) .019b 273 (0.7) 100 (0.5) .024b
 Shortness of breath 1038 (6.4) 766 (9.8) <.001b 1352 (6.3) 941 (8.7) <.001b 2390 (6.3) 1707 (9.2) <.001b
 Skin rash 99 (0.6) 33 (0.4) .14 192 (.9) 81 (.7) .29 291 (0.8) 114 (0.6) .077
 Throat symptoms 151 (0.9) 92 (1.2) .14 442 (2.1) 197 (1.8) .24 593 (1.6) 289 (1.5) .92
 Vomiting 406 (2.5) 153 (2.0) .024b 700 (3.3) 229 (2.1) .001b 1106 (2.9) 382 (2.0) .002b
 Other 7287 (45.0) 3055 (39.3) <.001b 9004 (41.9) 4584 (42.2) .75 16,291 (43.2) 7639 (41.0) <.001b
Specific diagnosis, no. (%)
 Appendicitis 54 (0.3) 23 (0.3) .81 65 (0.3) 50 (0.5) .064 119 (0.3) 73 (0.4) .26
 Cholecystitis 47 (0.3) 28 (0.4) .59 51 (0.2) 24 (0.2) .92 98 (0.3) 52 (0.3) .92
 NSTEMI 80 (0.5) 38 (0.5) >.99 92 (0.4) 25 (0.2) .018b 172 (0.5) 63 (0.3) .090
 STEMI 41 (0.3) 10 (0.1) .12 37 (0.2) 21 (0.2) .85 78 (0.2) 21 (0.1) .035b
 Stroke 183 (1.1) 71 (0.9) .22 126 (0.6) 63 (0.6) >.99 209 (0.6) 134 (0.7) .047b
 Suicide 25 (0.2) 14 (0.2) .85 39 (0.2) 22 (0.2) .85 64 (0.2) 36 (0.2) .73
 Overdose 1 (0.0) 1 (0.0) >.99 4 (0.0) 4 (0.0) .65 5 (0.0) 5 (0.0) .58
General diagnosis class by system, no. (%)
 Blood 136 (0.8) 61 (0.8) .81 80 (0.4) 25 (0.2) .085 216 (0.6) 86 (0.5) .16
 Circulatory system 727 (4.5) 386 (5.0) .18 599 (2.8) 368 (3.4) .008b 1326 (3.5) 754 (4.0) .006b
 Digestive system 988 (6.1) 622 (8.0) <.001b 1095 (5.1) 771 (7.1) <.001b 2083 (5.5) 1393 (7.5) <.001b
 Eyes or ears 280 (1.7) 90 (1.2) .002b 567 (2.6) 210 (1.9) .001b 847 (2.2) 300 (1.6) .001b
 Nervous system 236 (1.5) 91 (1.2) .14 339 (1.6) 140 (1.3) .090 575 (1.5) 231 (1.2) .019b
 Respiratory system 1649 (10.2) 902 (11.6) .003b 3687 (17.2) 1315 (12.1) <.001b 5336 (14.2) 2217 (11.9) <.001b
 Endocrine, nutritional, or metabolic disease 336 (2.1) 178 (2.3) .44 348 (1.6) 205 (1.9) .15 685 (1.8) 383 (2.1) .11
 Factors influencing health status 379 (2.3) 189 (2.4) .81 636 (3.0) 266 (2.4) .021b 1016 (2.7) 457 (2.5) .15
 Genitourinary 676 (4.2) 456 (5.9) <.001b 810 (3.8) 550 (5.1) <.001b 1486 (3.9) 1006 (5.4) <.001b
 Infectious and parasitic disease 341 (2.1) 227 (2.9) <.001b 716 (3.3) 315 (2.9) .078 1057 (2.8) 542 (2.9) .62
 Injury, poisoning, or external cause 1924 (11.9) 900 (11.6) .60 2788 (13.0) 1793 (16.5) <.001b 4749 (12.6) 2722 (14.6) <.001b
 Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental 429 (2.7) 266 (3.4) .003b 670 (3.1) 486 (4.5) <.001b 1104 (2.9) 752 (4.0) <.001b
 Musculoskeletal system 1093 (6.8) 440 (5.7) .003b 1344 (6.3) 735 (6.8) .14 2437 (6.5) 1175 (6.3) .60
 Neoplasms 39 (0.2) 14 (0.2) .59 16 (0.1) 5 (0.0) .60 55 (0.1) 19 (0.1) .32
 Pregnancy or childbirth 27 (0.2) 17 (0.2) .60 95 (0.4) 61 (0.6) .26 122 (0.3) 78 (0.4) .15
 Skin and subcutaneous tissue 416 (2.6) 150 (1.9) .008b 468 (2.2) 288 (2.7) .021b 884 (2.3) 438 (2.3) >.99
 Abnormal findings, not classified elsewhere 5748 (35.5) 2533 (32.6) <.001b 6588 (30.7) 3058 (28.1) <.001b 12,356 (32.8) 5596 (30.0) <.001b
 None 318 (2.0) 38 (0.5) <.001b 222 (1.0) 27 (0.2) .001b 540 (1.4) 65 (0.3) <.001b
Pre-COVID (3/17-4/21/19) vs COVID Period (3/17-4/21/20)
Academic Hospitals
Community Hospitals
2019 (N=15,139) 2020 (N=7779) P 2019 (N=19,898) 2020 (N=10,867) P 2019 (N=35,037) 2020 (N=18,646) P
Chief symptom, no. (%)
 Abdominal pain 1704 (11.3) 806 (10.4) .077 1834 (9.2) 914 (8.4) .039b 3538 (10.1) 1720 (9.2) .003b
 Back pain 431 (2.8) 163 (2.1) .001b 550 (2.8) 267 (2.5) .19 981 (2.8) 430 (2.3) .002b
 Chest pain 1019 (6.7) 553 (7.1) .40 1287 (6.5) 762 (7.0) .12 2306 (6.6) 1315 (7.1) .075
 Other pain 1631 (10.8) 643 (8.3) <.001b 2070 (10.4) 1099 (10.1) .55 3701 (10.6) 1742 (9.3) <.001b
 Cough 412 (2.7) 564 (7.3) <.001b 832 (4.2) 637 (5.9) <.001b 1244 (3.6) 1201 (6.4) <.001b
 Diarrhea 136 (0.9) 70 (0.9) >.99 163 (0.8) 91 (0.8) .99 299 (0.9) 161 (0.9) >.99
 Earache or infection 97 (0.6) 48 (0.6) .99 288 (1.4) 126 (1.2) .076 385 (1.1) 174 (0.9) .13
 Fever 550 (3.6) 506 (6.5) <.001b 695 (3.5) 348 (3.2) .27 1245 (3.6) 854 (4.6) <.001b
 Gunshot wound 3 (0.0) 2 (0.0) >.99 3 (0.0) 1 (0.0) >.99 6 (0.0) 3 (0.0) >.99
 Head injury or headache 490 (3.2) 181 (2.3) <.001b 569 (2.9) 271 (2.5) .11 1059 (3.0) 452 (2.4) .001b
 Laceration 179 (1.2) 99 (1.3) .73 436 (2.2) 264 (2.4) .27 615 (1.8) 363 (1.9) .19
 Motor vehicle accident 123 (0.8) 45 (0.6) .10 175 (0.9) 55 (0.5) .002b 298 (0.9) 100 (0.5) .002b
 Shortness of breath 862 (5.7) 766 (9.8) <.001b 1219 (6.1) 941 (8.7) <.001b 2081 (5.9) 1707 (9.2) <.001b
 Skin rash 124 (0.8) 33 (0.4) <.001b 177 (0.9) 81 (0.7) .29 301 (0.9) 114 (0.6) .005b
 Throat symptoms 119 (0.8) 92 (1.2) .010b 322 (1.6) 197 (1.8) .30 441 (1.3) 289 (1.5) .014b
 Vomiting 361 (2.4) 153 (2.0) .086 587 (3.0) 229 (2.1) <.001b 948 (2.7) 382 (2.0) .001b
 Other 6898 (45.6) 3055 (39.3) <.001b 8691 (43.7) 4584 (42.2) .020b 15,589 (44.5) 7639 (41.0) <.001b
Specific diagnosis, no. (%)
 Appendicitis 64 (0.4) 23 (0.3) .25 76 (0.4) 50 (0.5) .45 140 (0.4) 73 (0.4) >.99
 Cholecystitis 51 (0.3) 28 (0.4) .97 43 (0.2) 24 (0.2) >.99 94 (0.3) 52 (0.3) .98
 NSTEMI 74 (0.5) 38 (0.5) >.99 78 (0.4) 25 (0.2) .051 152 (0.4) 63 (0.3) .18
 STEMI 21 (0.1) 10 (0.1) >.99 22 (0.1) 21 (0.2) .15 43 (0.1) 21 (0.1) .96
 Stroke 169 (1.1) 71 (0.9) .25 121 (0.6) 63 (0.6) .95 290 (0.8) 134 (0.7) .27
 Suicide 24 (0.2) 14 (0.2) .95 35 (0.2) 22 (0.2) .83 59 (0.2) 36 (0.2) .72
 Overdose 5 (0.0) 1 (0.0) .77 3 (0.0) 4 (0.0) .53 8 (0.0) 5 (0.0) >.99
General diagnosis class, no. (%)
 Blood 125 (0.8) 61 (0.8) .93 76 (0.4) 25 (0.2) .067 201 (0.6) 86 (0.5) .16
 Circulatory system 689 (4.6) 386 (5.0) .25 664 (3.3) 368 (3.4) .95 1353 (3.9) 754 (4.0) .41
 Digestive system 941 (6.2) 622 (8.0) <.001b 1122 (5.6) 771 (7.1) <.001b 2063 (5.9) 1393 (7.5) <.001b
 Eyes or ears 279 (1.8) 90 (1.2) .001b 520 (2.6) 210 (1.9) <.001b 799 (2.3) 300 (1.6) <.001b
 Nervous system 257 (1.7) 91 (1.2) .005b 352 (1.8) 140 (1.3) .005b 609 (1.7) 231 (1.2) .002b
 Respiratory system 1034 (6.8) 902 (11.6) <.001b 2198 (11.0) 1315 (12.1) .014b 3232 (9.2) 2217 (11.9) <.001b
 Endocrine, nutritional, or metabolic disease 308 (2.0) 178 (2.3) .30 321 (1.6) 205 (1.9) .14 629 (1.8) 383 (2.1) .074
 Factors influencing health status 393 (2.6) 189 (2.4) .59 597 (3.0) 266 (2.4) .014b 990 (2.8) 457 (2.5) .027b
 Genitourinary system 677 (4.5) 456 (5.9) <.001b 885 (4.4) 550 (5.1) .035b 1562 (4.5) 1006 (5.4) <.001b
 Infectious and parasitic disease 227 (1.5) 227 (2.9) <.001b 494 (2.5) 315 (2.9) .064 721 (2.1) 542 (2.9) <.001b
 Injury, poisoning, or external cause 1899 (12.5) 900 (11.6) .068 3059 (15.4) 1793 (16.5) .023b 4958 (14.2) 2722 (14.6) .25
 Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental 386 (2.5) 266 (3.4) <.001b 646 (3.2) 486 (4.5) <.001b 1032 (2.9) 752 (4.0) <.001b
 Musculoskeletal system 1165 (7.7) 440 (5.7) <.001b 1428 (7.2) 735 (6.8) .26 2593 (7.4) 1175 (6.3) <.001b
 Neoplasms 45 (0.3) 14 (0.2) .20 12 (0.1) 5 (0.0) .93 59 (0.2) 19 (0.1) .12
 Pregnancy or childbirth 45 (0.3) 17 (0.2) .44 135 (0.7) 61 (0.6) .34 177 (0.5) 78 (0.4) .26
 Skin and subcutaneous tissue 450 (3.0) 150 (1.9) <.001b 499 (2.5) 288 (2.7) .59 949 (2.7) 438 (2.3) .029b
 Abnormal findings, not classified elsewhere 5640 (37.3) 2533 (32.6) <.001b 6303 (31.7) 3058 (28.1) <.001b 11,943 (34.1) 5596 (30.0) <.001b
 None 116 (0.8) 38 (0.5) .039b 203 (1.0) 27 (0.2) <.001b 369 (1.1) 65 (0.3) <.001b

COVID = coronavirus disease; NSTEMI = non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction; STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction.


Statistically significant.