Fig. 5.
Overexpression of HCPro and knockout of CAT1 enhanced ChiVMV infection, whereas knockout of CAT3 did not affect ChiVMV infection. (A and C) Symptoms of the mock-inoculated or ChiVMV-infected WT and transgenic plants at 9, 15, and 40 dpi. Scale bars=5 cm (upper panel) and 0.25 cm (lower panel) in (A). Scale bars=10 cm (upper panel), 20 cm (middle panel), 1.5 cm (lower panel) in (C). (B and D) Detection of ChiVMV HCPro and coat protein (CP) in ChiVMV-infected WT and transgenic plants by western blot at 9, 25, and 40 dpi. Systemically infected leaves were collected for detection.