Fig. 4. Accelerating axially swept light-sheet microscopy (ASLM).
a Schematic principle of ASLM: a thin light sheet is scanned in its propagation direction, and only the region within the beam waist (red and green bars) is read out by an sCMOS camera. b Point spread function in the XZ plane. c, d RPE cells labelled with GFP-vimentin, imaged with ASLM with a 50 ms integration time. XZ and YZ maximum intensity projections are shown. e, f The same cell imaged with ASLM at 5 ms integration time. XZ and YZ maximum intensity projections are shown. g Genetically encoded multimeric nanoparticles (GEMs) inside two MV3 cells, as imaged by ASLM over a 20 ms image integration time, and 3.57 volumes per second. h, i Axial YZ view of the perinuclear region at two timepoints. Yellow circles indicate detected vesicles, and blue lines illustrate cumulative tracks. Scale bars: b, h, and i 1 µm; d and g 10 µm