Fig. 3.
Associations between healthy diet score and changes in cardiometabolic risk score modified by parental education. CMRS, cardiometabolic risk score; SD, standard deviation. The general linear regression model was used to test the interaction adjusted for classes in schools as random effects and characteristics of the individuals including age, sex, intervention, grade, puberty, BMI, physical activity, CMRS, and intake of energy, fiber, vegetable, fruit, pork, legumes, and nuts at baseline, birth weight, breastfeeding, household income, or parental BMI and education. We examined whether the association between healthy diet score and CMRS was modified by sex, grade, birthweight, household income, parental BMI, and parental education and a significant interaction were observed only for healthy diet score and parental education. *represents there is a significant association between healthy diet score and change in CMRS