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. 2019 Sep 3;38(4):495–505. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.190062

Table 1. Yoga practices for premature ejaculation.

Variable Yoga practice detail Effect/Mechanism
Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation involves a dynamic sequence of 12 poses involving forward and backward bending. Contracting and expanding the pelvic muscles.
Yogasana (yoga postures)
 Standing poses Garudasan (eagle pose) Strengthen the pelvic area and tones the reproductive organs.
Trikonasan (triangle pose) Improved circulation to the pelvic region.
Uttanasana (standing forward bend) Develops the ability to retain seminal fluid and prevents premature ejaculation.
Vatayanasan (flying horse pose)
 Seated poses BaddhaKonasan (seated heel-to-heel pose) Improved circulation to the pelvic area.
Yoga mudra (forward bend) Improve the tone & flexibility of perineal and pelvic muscles [28].
Ardha Matsyendrasan (seated spinal twist) Seated poses more effective in PE [28].
Pashchimottanasan (seated forward bend) Improve the health of the reproductive and urinary system.
Janu Shirsasan (seated head-to-knee posture) Facilitate higher arousal.
Upavistha Konasan (wide-legged forward bend) Result in better and controlled orgasms.
Maha Mudra (great psychic attitude)
Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)
Marjari Asana (cat stretch pose)
Ushtrasan (camel pose)
Shashankasan (hare pose)
Kapotasan (pigeon pose)
 Prone poses Shashank Bhujangasan (striking cobra pose) Bhujangasan (cobra pose) Strengthen the pelvic region.
Dhanurasan (bow pose) Tone the reproductive organs stimulates the sexual energy centers.
Utthanpristhasan (lizard pose) Facilitate stronger orgasm.
Useful in arousal difficulties and PE.
 Supine poses Supta Vajrasan (sleeping thunderbolt pose) Improve the tone & flexibility of perineal and pelvic muscles [28].
Setubandha Sarvangasan (bridge pose) Strengthen the pelvic area and tone the reproductive organs.
Supta Baddha Konasan (reclining heel-to-heel pose)
Matsyasan (fish pose)
 Inversions Vipareet Karani (inverted pose) Increase circulation to the pelvic organs.
Sarvangasan (shoulder stand) Prevent premature ejaculation.
Halasan (plough pose) Improve the tone & flexibility of perineal & pelvic muscles [28].
Adhomukha Shvanasan (downward dog pose) Promote the return of venous blood pooled in the big veins and various venous plexuses in the region of pelvis and perineum.
Enhance the flow of fresh blood to the pelvic viscera [29]
 Relaxation Shavasan (corpse pose) Induces deep relaxation.
Enhances focus, and energy and awareness.
 Kriya (cleansing process) A variation of Kapalbhati practice through the mouth, as the man approaches orgasm is recommended for PE. Rapid puffing out of the air through the mouth prolong ejaculation [31].
The effects have been compared with Viagra.
 Diaphragmatic breathing Rhythmic, slow, deep inhalation and extended exhalation Reduces the anxiety level through reduced sympathetic activity and enhanced vagal activity [33].
Pranayama Slow Bhastrika pranayama breathing (respiratory rate 6 times/min) Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decrease significantly [34].
Pranayama (regulated breathing) Anulom-vilom (alternate nostril breathing), Chandranadi (left nostril breathing), Sitkari (cooling breaths), Bhramari (humming bee breath) Improve cerebral blood flow and oxygenation.
Improve sympathovagal outflow [32].
Control autonomic nervous system and regularize rate and pattern of breathing [32,35].
Om chanting Based on the analysis of EEG signal on the basis of fractal dimension, recommended chanting Om for fifty times or more to relax the mind [42]. Results in the stabilization of brain, removal of negative thoughts, increase of energy, mind and body relaxation within minutes of practice [38].
Bandha (lock) Moola bandha (root lock): Contraction of the perineum, the area between the anus and genital organs, puboperinealis muscle Enhances awareness of genital arousal sensations [15].
Moola bandha works as an exercise to the muscles of the pelvic region especially levator ani and anal sphincters and makes the pelvic and perineal muscles stronger [29].
Meditation Internalized awareness Beneficial effects on brain EEG, immune response, pain control, anxiety, depression with potential in the management of sexual dysfunction [42].
Mindfulness Present moment awareness and paying attention in a nonjudgmental way. Attention regulation, body awareness, emotion regulation and changes in perspective on the self [43].
Mudra (gesture) Ashwini mudra (horse gesture): Contracting the sphincter muscles of the anus and then relaxing them Improves the tone and flexibility of perineal and pelvic muscles [28].
Awakens the Kundalini Shakti and useful for PE [36].
Vajroli mudra: Drawing the urethra upward. Strengthens the pelvic floor, resulting in stronger erections and better ejaculatory control [27].
Regulates the entire sexual system.
Regulates testosterone level.
Control over premature ejaculation [37].
Yoga nidra (yogic sleep) Yogic relaxation technique Reduces the stress and result in physical, mental and emotional relaxation [40,41]. Enhances self-awareness and self-efficacy [41].

PE: premature ejaculation, EEG: electroencephalogram.