Disease-associated changes in the lungs. A. Lung volume relative to body weight. The lungs were removed, and their volume was determined by displacement of fixative under hydrostatic pressure. Data are mean ± SEM. *p value vs. sham < 0.05; #p value vs. 3R4F < 0.05. Histopathological/morphometric evaluation of lung tissue: B. Alveolar emphysema (severity score 1–5). C. Destructive index (%). D. alveolar density. E, F. Pressure–volume loops. Relationship between pressure (Ppl, pressure plethysmography) and the resultant volume (Vpl, volume plethysmography) over an inflation/deflation cycle is shown. See Fig. 3 legend for details on the study and group labeling. SEM, standard error of the mean; THS, Tobacco Heating System; CHTP, Carbon Heated Tobacco Product.