Fig. 4.
Purification of Nanogold-labeled RNA samples under nondenaturing conditions. (A and B) The elution profiles of double Nanogold-labeled 3′SL RNA (A) and double Nanogold-labeled DENV-mini RNA B by anion exchange chromatography. Peaks corresponding to the flow-through, free Nanogold, the Nanogold-RNA conjugates, and the curves of the conductivity are indicated. (C and D) The elution profiles of double Nanogold-labeled 3′SL (C) and double Nanogold-labeled DENV-mini (D) RNAs by SEC. The elution profile of free Nanogold is shown in C and D for comparison. (E) Native (Left) and denaturing urea (Right) PAGE gel analysis of singly (at sites of 689 and 719, respectively) and doubly (at sites of both 689 and 719) Nanogold-labeled 3′SL RNAs. Wild type 3′SL is included for comparison. (F) Native (Left) and denaturing urea (Right) PAGE gel analysis of singly (at sites of 689 and 719, respectively) and doubly (at sites of both 689 and 719) Nanogold-labeled DENV-mini RNAs. Wild type DENV-mini RNA is included for comparison.