A–B, Time course of improvements in 5‐point Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ‐5) and Asthma Quality‐of‐Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) over a 52‐week period of treatments in chest tightness variant asthma (CTVA) patients. C, Changes in SAS scores over a 52‐week period of treatments in CTVA patients. D‐F, Changes in PEF variant rate (D), FVC (E), and FEV1% (F) over a 52‐week period of treatments in CTVA patients. G and H, The difference of ACQ (G) and FeNO (H) at week 0 between responsive and nonresponsive group. * P < .05; ** P < .01; *** P < .01; **** P < .001