Table 4.
Study |
Region(s) Study Design Quality Score (++,+,-) |
Population | Outcome Assessment | Noise Source | Noise Measures | Noise Categories | Effect Estimates; Meta-Analysis (Yes, No with Reasons) |
Bocquier et al. 2014 [61] | France, Retrospective cohort (-) |
n = 190,617 (M = 87,975, F = 102,642) 18–64 years |
Prescriptions of anxiolytics, benzodiazepin-derivates and analogues (ATC code) a | road | LN, 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. | <45 dB ≥45–<50 dB ≥50–<55 dB ≥55 dB |
Odds Ratio (adjusted) yes |
Floud et al. 2011 [38] | UK, NL, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Greece, cross-sectional (-) |
n = 4861 (M = 2404, F = 2457) 45–70 Years |
Use of anxiolytics (last 2 weeks, self-reported) |
aircraft road |
Leq, 7:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
or Leq, 6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Leq, 11:00 p.m.-7:00 a.m. or LN, 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. |
LAeq,16h b 35–76 dB (aircraft) b 45–76 dB (road) LN b 30–70 dB (aircraft) b 45–70 dB (road) |
Odds Ratio (adjusted) yes |
Generaal et al. 2019a [39] | NL case-control (-) |
n = 2980 (M = 1007, F = 1973) 18–65 years |
Recent diagnosis (anxiety disorder based on CIDI c) |
Aircraft Road rail (combined) |
LDEN | - | Odds Ratio (adjusted) no, exposure sources were not considered separately |
Greiser et al. 2010 [41] | Germany case-control (-) |
n = 511,742 with anxiety disorder: n = 2344 (M = 709, F = 1635) >39 years |
Routine health insurance data d | aircraft | LN, 10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. Leq, 6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
Leq, 11:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Leq, 3:00 a.m.-5:00 a.m. Leq,24h |
Leq,24h ≥35 dB otherwise ≥40 dB |
Odds Ratio (adjusted) no, main noise effects not reported without interaction terms |
Halonen et al. 2013 [59] | Finland cross-sectional (-) |
n = 15,611 (M = 3086, F = 12,525) 21–76 years |
Anxiolytics use (ATC code) | road | LDEN | ≤45 dB 45.1–50 dB 50.1–55 dB 55.1–60 dB >60 dB |
Odds Ratio (adjusted) yes |
Jonah et al. 1981 [62] | Canada cross-sectional (-) |
n = 1150 (adults) |
STAI | road | Leq,24h | 45–75 dB | Correlation coefficient no |
Klompmaker et al. 2019 [45] | NL cross-sectional (+) |
n = 354,827 (M = 161,045, F = 193,782) ≥19 years |
Prescriptions of anxiolytics (ATC code e) | road railway |
LDEN | - | Odds Ratio (adjusted) yes |
Nivision & Endersen 1993 [63] | Norway, cross-sectional (-) |
n = 82 | STAI | road | Leq,24h Lmax |
- | Correlation coefficient no |
Okokon et al. 2018 | Finland cross-sectional (-) |
n = 5860 (M = 2497, F = 3363) 55.0 years |
Use of anxiolytics (a) 1 week, (b) 1–4 weeks, (c) 1–12 months, (d) over 1 year ago |
road | LDEN | ≤45 dB, 45.1–50 dB, 50.1–55 dB, 55.1–60 dB ≥ 60 dB |
Odds Ratio (adjusted) yes |
Stansfeld et al. 1993, 1996 [49,50] | UK cohort (+) cross-sectional (-) |
n = 2398 (only men) 50–64 Years |
GHQ-30 | road | Leq,6:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. | 51–55 dB 56–60 dB 61–65 dB 66–70 dB |
Means/ Percent (adjusted) yes (unadjusted RRs derived from distribution in 1993 paper) |
Zock et al. 2018 [55] | NL cross-sectional (analysis within cohort) (+) |
n = 4450 0–≥ 65 years |
Primary care data f | road railway |
LDEN | - | Odds Ratio (adjusted) -yes |
CIDI Semi-structured Composite International Diagnostic Interview; GHQ General Health Questionnaire; UK: United Kingdom; NL Netherlands; NAT number above threshold; (a) ATC code: N05B, N05CD, N05CF from French National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) database; (b) noise levels started at this level, and all noise levels below this range were set to this level; (c) Composite International Diagnostic Interview using DSM-IV criteria; (d) ICD-9: 300 and ICD-10: F40, F41 diagnoses; (e) ATC-code: N05B prescription during study; (f) ICPC code: P01, P74.