Cerebral recruitment of CD3+ T cells in the peri-infarct cortex and ipsilateral white matter after acute ischemic stroke. (A) Coronal brain sections from a sham-operated mouse (left) or a mouse subjected to MCAO (right) 24 h post-intervention. (B) B1 refers to the contralateral cortical area, B2 refers to the contralateral white matter adjacent to the lateral ventricle, B3/4 refer to the ipsilateral equivalents to B1/2. (C) C1 refers to the contralateral cortical area, C2 refers to the contralateral white matter adjacent to the lateral ventricle, C3/4 refer to the ipsilateral equivalents to C1/2. Positive CD3 immunostaining was characterized by brown-colored cells with condensed nuclei and a subtle surrounding cytoplasmic area pertinent to lymphocytes, particularly in the peri-infarct cortex (C4) and the ipsilateral white matter (C3), which was not observed in sham-operated mice (B3 and B4, respectively). Original magnifications: (A) 2×; (B,C) 8×.