Affinity of emerin for β-DG and the TM domain of β-DG. Surface plasmon (A) resonance (SPR) assays were performed to determine kinetic parameters of the interaction of emerin with full-length β-DG or the TM domain of β-DG alone. GST–β-DG (A), GST–TMβ-DG (B), GST–emerin (C) of GST alone (D) were layered onto an SPR sensor, previously coated with GST–emerin. The responses (µRIU) observed for each protein concentration at different incubation times are shown. Analysis of emerin self-assembly served as positive control, while its interaction with GST alone served as negative control; (E) The kinetic parameters of the interaction of emerin with β-DG, TM of β-DG or emerin are shown.