Figure 2.
Osteoclast number and bone volume is normal in LAMP-2-/y mice. (A) Osteoclasts were normally present in calvariae and long bones of LAMP-2-/y mice. (B) Bone associated osteoclasts per total number of osteoclasts present in the light microscopic LM sections. Less bone associated osteoclasts were found in the long bone sections of LAMP-2-/y mice. (C) Representative electron micrographs of wild-type (WT) and LAMP-2-/y osteoclasts. In LAMP-2-/y osteoclasts the ruffled border is smaller (indicated with an accolade). (D) Length of the ruffled border (RB) per total bone associated cytoplasm, measured in bone associated osteoclasts (OC) (>10 sections). Long bone sections show a significant smaller ruffled border in the LAMP-2-/y mice compared to the WT. The calvaria sections also show a smaller ruffled border compared to the long bone sections, but no difference can be found between the calvaria WT and LAMP-2-/y ones. (E) µCT analysis showed that the bone volume/total volume (BV/TV) of LAMP-2-/y mice is equal to the WT mice of same age and gender (n = 6 ± SD, not significant).