Schematic representations and photos of the different sensory corpuscle morphotypes present in human digital glabrous and hairy skin. Aβ LTMRs contact with epithelial Merkel cells or Schwann-like cells forming Merkel cell–neurite complexes (Aβ slowly adapting (SA)I-LTMRs), Meissner corpuscles (Aβ rapidly adapting (RA)1-LTMRs), Pacinian corpuscles (Aβ RAII-LTMRs) and Ruffini endings (Aβ SAII-LTMRs). Hairs have a complex nervous apparatus that consists of lanceolate and circumferential endings as well as free nerve endings; occasionally, hairs have associated Merkel cells, Ruffini and even Pacinian corpuscles. Photos were obtained from sections of human digital and facial skin immunostained for neuron-specific enolase to label the central axon, i.e., the ending of Aβ low-threshold mechanoreceptors.