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. 2020 Aug 23;17(17):6128. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176128

Table 2.

FoMO-R stages (booklets are in the Supplementary Material of this paper).

No Stage Description Strategies to Guide Change
1 Preparation This stage raises awareness about FoMO and also provides the help-seeker with a greater understanding of the types of FoMO. Help-seeker selects the FoMO type(s) that they typically experience by referring to the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1).
They remove the sticker(s) for their selection(s) and post it(them) on the self-monitoring sheet.
2 Planning This stage assists the help-seeker to plan to manage FoMO by providing them with a set of suggested countermeasures. This includes learning:Technical countermeasures, e.g., auto reply, set status, etc.Socio countermeasures, e.g., managing expectations, self-talk, self-control, etc.Relapse prevention strategies which will prevent the help-seeker from reverting to their old habits. For each type of FoMO that was selected on the self-rating booklet (Booklet 1), help-seeker selects suitable technical and/or socio countermeasure(s) from the list of FoMO-reduction countermeasures document (Booklet 2).
Help-seeker removes the sticker(s) for their selection(s) and posts it (them) on the self-monitoring sheet.
Help-seeker learns about relapse using Booklet 3.
3 Action Help-seeker applies the selected countermeasure. Help-seeker applies each of their selected countermeasures for a period of time, typically one week.
To prevent relapse whilst applying their selected countermeasure(s) they need to perform the skills or activities outlined in Booklet 3; e.g., hobbies, positive self-talk, seeking moral support.
4 Assessment Help-seeker assesses their satisfaction with the selected countermeasure(s). For each countermeasure they selected for each of the FoMO types they have, the help-seeker indicates on the self-monitoring sheet whether it was useful for them.
If they found at least one useful countermeasure for each of their FoMO types, they go to Stage 4; the review stage.
If none of the countermeasures for one or more of the FoMO types they have failed to work, they go to the empowerment step.
5 Empowerment It provides those seeking help with further support to manage their FoMO in the event that the countermeasures selected from Booklet 2 fail Help-seeker determines the challenges that may make it harder for them to manage their FoMO by answering the following questions:
  1. Is peer pressure the cause?

  2. Do you put the needs of others above your own?

  3. Are there technical issues?

They select other countermeasures from the FoMO countermeasure document (Booklet 2) or follow the instructions in the empowered refusal document Booklet 4.
Return to the application stage and repeat.
If they run out of countermeasures and are unable to cope with their FoMO, go to the review stage.
6 Review Help-seeker reviews their self-monitoring sheet to assess whether they have managed their FoMO. Help-seeker describes the outcome of actions taken by answering the following:
  1. What happened?

  2. What has been improved?

  3. Did you manage your FoMO?

If help-seeker managed their FoMO, they repeat the first stage to see whether they have any other types of FoMO that could be addressed. If not, they stop.
If they failed to manage their FoMO, they check that they had:
  1. Selected the types of FoMO that applied to them.

  2. Maintained a focus on the selected countermeasures and on the appropriate relapse prevention technique(s).

If, after this, they have seen no improvement, there may be comorbidities.