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. 2020 Aug 23;17(17):6127. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176127
1 ((((“Environment”[Mesh]) OR “Social Environment”[Mesh]) OR “Environment Design”[Mesh]) OR “Environment and Public Health”[Mesh]) OR “Built Environment”[Mesh] OR environment OR “built environment” OR “environment design” OR “social environment” OR “walkable environment” OR neighborhood OR “neighborhood design” 8,250,202
2 (“motor activity”[MeSH Terms] OR (“motor”[All Fields] AND “activity”[All Fields]) OR “motor activity”[All Fields]) OR (“exercise”[MeSH Terms] OR “exercise”[All Fields] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “activity”[All Fields]) OR “physical activity”[All Fields] OR “Walking”[Mesh] OR “walking” [All Fields] OR walk*) 761,446
3 #1 AND #2 318,600
4 older* OR senior* OR elder* 642,438
5 #3 AND #4 33,182
6 Health [MEsh] OR health* 4,415,198
7 #5 AND #6 21,104
8 Review[ptyp] OR systematic[sb] OR Meta-Analysis[ptyp] 2,542,516
7 # 7 AND # 8 1878
8 (“2004/01/01”[PDAT]: “2019/12/31”[PDAT]) 13,652,503
9 #7AND #8 1506
10 “aged” [MeSH Terms] 2,903,733
11 #9 AND #10 913