FasL expressed on Ad-gFasL-transduced bovine aortic endothelial cells induces apoptosis of responder cells: (A) FasL expression in naïve bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) (pink line), BAECs transduced with an empty virus (EV, green line), and BAECs transduced using Ad-gFasL (red line). (B) A20 cells (responder cells) express Fas. (C) A20 cells are positive for B220 marker. (D) The majority of A20 treated with SuperFasL (trimerized soluble FasL) are apoptotic. (E) A20 cells incubated with naïve BAEC are viable. (F) BAECs transduced with an empty adenovirus (BAEC-EV) do not induce a significant death of A20 cells. (G) By contrast, A20 cells incubated with FasL-expressing BAEC are 87% apoptotic, positive for Annexin V (F). In the cell mix, A20 cells were identified based on B220 (E–G).