Mouse model of EAMG demonstrated efficacy of treatment with Ab to survivin. Mice (n = 27, 9 per group) were injected with AChR in CFA followed by injections with AChR in IFA twice (day 28 and 52). Treatment was initiated on day 54 with i.p. injections of high-dose anti-survivin (100 μg), low-dose anti-survivin (20 μg) or PBS. Treatment was given every other day for a total of six injections. Termination of the experiment occurred on day 67 with final weight (A), final disease score (B), grip strength over the course of the experiment (C), and final grip strength (D) noted. Grip strength measurements are mean of five values per animal per group. The data are representative of one independent experiment. (A and D) Student t test was used to confirm statistical relevance. (B) Kruskal–Wallis test and Dunn post hoc test were used to determine statistical significance. Statistical p values < 0.05 were considered significant.